The purpose of our SUPPORT MINISTRIES is to provide help, hope and healing for individuals going through difficult times. Whether it’s though personal PASTORAL COUNSELING, one of our trained CARE TEAM members, or through our PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY, you will find the help and support you need.

Proverbs 3:13 says, “How blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and gains understanding.


Everyone has goes through difficult times. Having someone to care, to listen, and to share God’s love with you, can help you through these hard times. Our team is trained using the intensive curriculum prepared by the St. Louis-based Stephen Ministry Organization. Through a one-to-one caring relationship, the person receives the love and care they need for support.

  • Do you need someone to listen and pray with you?
  • Is life difficult for you right now?
  • Is your health, attitude, or your relationships suffering?
  • Are you adjusting to a job loss or change, a change in your marriage, a serious illness, the death of a loved one, or a recent move?
  • Are you concerned about other issues?

If this answer to any of the above is “yes,” contact the Church Office to connect with help.

“…With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love…”
~ Ephesians 4:2 ~


Father, in Your mercy, hear our prayers.

The HWLC Prayer Chain is available for everyone, both members and non-members. The Prayer Chain is comprised of over 50 members of HWLC dedicated to praying for those in need, for as long as the prayers are needed. If you have a family member, friend or acquaintance that is sick, or going through a life crisis, and would like the added support of prayers from our members, please call the Church Office to add your prayer to our Prayer Chain.

We have two types of PRAYER CHAINS – Telephone and E-Mail.

  • The Telephone PRAYER CHAIN uses a fan-out process whereby the group leader call the first person on the list, that person calls the next person, and so on.
  • Email prayers are sent out to the entire group distribution list at one time.

When you receive a request, you are to say a prayer for the person in need.

If you have a prayer request, or are interested in participating as a Prayer Chain member, please contact the Church Office.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
~ Phil. 4:6-7 ~